Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Tracks and Vertical Reinforcements, Starboard Side.

With the cannon port holes cut on the starboard side of the ship, the next step is to install the 1.5x3mm Apple, to form the vertical rails. There are 6 or 7 of these on both sides of the ship. The plans are some what confusing. I will explain in the pictures below, they are from the instructions and plans.
This photo, taken from the plans, show the finished vertical reinforcements. So this is what it will look like when done.
You can see from the instruction book above, they want you to build up the rails by gluing 3 smaller pieces of wood between the rubbing rails, then cut out a notch into the rubbing rails, then glue a longer rail onto it.
Above photo shows the longer rails installed, and being filed down to taper the ends. I wonder why they want you to glue 3 smaller pieces, they cut the rubbing rail, why wouldn't you just cut the rubbing rail, glue two longer rails (39), taper them, and glue them into place.
Probably everyone reading is saying to themselves what is he talking about.... After thinking about for a few more seconds it comes to me. You just score the rubbing rail (32) where the vertical rails (39) intersect, but don't remove the wood. I was thinking you had to remove the wood, leaving a gap, in photo 2 above it looks like they are cutting away that small section with their knife, their not.
Getting the first layer of Apple glued to the ship. will finish this step, then cut the longer rails, gluing them onto the smaller ones. When the larger ones are glued, I will tapper the tops and bottoms of them using a file.
This is turning out to be much more time consuming then I thought, hopeful I finish this side today.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Finishing Cannon Frames and Painting Hatches

Now I remember why I really don't like doing Gun Ships.....Lots of tedious hole cutting and hatch and frame painting, not to mention all the cannons, oh well.  I have finished the Starboard side of the ship, or Right, as if you were standing on it facing the bow.
The frames are temporarily installed, will paint them then glue them into place.


You can see the difference in the two type of frames the top three have no hatches, the bottom 4 you can see the hinges, for the hatches.

This is one of the unpainted hatches, that go into the above hinges frames.
I have to do the other side of the ship, Port side. I may take a break from cutting holes today, and work on painting the hatches, or find something else to do.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Welcome Back

Welcome back, New York winter is finally here, and that only means one thing, back to building the ship. I hope everyone following this build had a good summer, or winter, depending on your location. I found everything, for the most part, the same way I left it some six months ago. Its been a busy summer, and I am looking forward to the time off, so we will see if we can get this project finished this year.....

On a different note I thought I would share a couple pictures of my Tiger Moth RC airplane that I just finished.  RC airplanes to what an understanding wife this guy must have. Yes I do!

Will see how it flies in a few months.....
Lets recap were we left off.
We have lined the Bulwarks with the .6x5mm Ramin, then closed the gaps between the Deck and Bulwarks with the 2x2 apple wood deck stringers. Some finish sanding then we will mark this off the list.

I have glued the 2x2mm Apple Wood  Rubbing Stakes to the sides of the ship, and am cutting the 10x10mm Cannon Port from the hull. There are 30 of these holes, and take a lot of time lining and cutting them out. Making a cut like this into the hull is a scary proposition, no room for error. Cut one in the wrong place, then what do you do with a 10x10mm hole in your hull......
I am about halfway done with this

I will continue cutting the holes, and hopefully have them done today. Will get back to work, hope to update you in the morning.
Have a Good Day.....